2007年5月23日 星期三

The Theory of Horse and Buggy

First I will say, in terms of wedding attendant, man has different perspective than woman has. Last Saturday Frackie came to Taipei because I asked him to attend a wedding of my work colleague with me. To be honest, knowing him for years, I've never been to a wedding with him. (Like the preview of a movie!)

Back to the issue what I brought, a mam cerntainly has differnt point of view with regard to wedding, or more precisely, marriage. Frank Sinatra said " Love and marriage, love and marriage, they go together like horse and carriage; you cannot to have one without anyother" I believe the time he sang this song, he had gotten bounded by his wife and a bunch of kids; he tried to persuade unmarried men into the poor where they call it "hell". Does marriage really come after love?

To David and Petty, my colleague and his wife, marriage seemed come very late after love. They have met and dated each other for seven years. Gee, seven years, do you know how long is seven years? Say you give a birth right now and seven years from now, the kiddo is going to elementary school sitting beside the very first opposite sex creature he/she could every meet,and trying to hate the world. But anyway, they are one of happy couples right now. Another interesting fact is that; most of time, David and Petty don't even live together. Because of their different office locations, David lives alone in Danshai and Petty lives with her parents in Taipei city. So is it worty? why people under this kinda circumstance still want to get married?

Then here comes my theroy; the longer two people's relationship last, the less they care about marriage; I am not saying if they want a marriage, but the situation to get married.David just got a position in Asus for not even a year; I bet he is not financially ready to it. So way? why don't they care if the guy is successful in his career before he undertakes the family responsibilty? I say, because of the age of bride, they could not wait.

Of course this is just a though, but marriage does come after marriage, as long as there is a trigger event. (Then where is mine?)