2007年4月19日 星期四

Tough Call (Part I)

Tristan called again and again; and the opportunity to change my career is knocking. Hamlet: to be, or not to be.

Dad is like disapproved about my changing jobs so soon, and that is a real concern because I am not even sure if I change my job to F company, I am going to stay longer than the period I work for A company.

Dad, as a senior manger of his company, proposed me five prongs to weigh two different career paths; 1. Salary; 2. Career Development; 3.stability; 4. environment; and 5. fitness. The analysis is provided as follows;
1. Salary: I monthly fixed salary II stocks and bonus III other benefit and welfare.
2. Career Development: I connection with my expertise; II Personality of Boss; III incentive of two different jobs III impact to the future career.
3. stability: I short term-at least 3-5 years; long term-5-10 years. II If the position is in the main core of the company, or the branch of the company III permanent or temporary; IV whether the Boss will stay long.
4. Environment: Life/work
5. Fitness: do I fit the position?

There are a couple of people I would like to know their opinions toward this matter: Dad and Mom of course; Franckie (Even though I had a hug fight with him last night and I feel sorry about my acting out!); Jack and Nancy; Chrisdy's classmate, who is now working in the Legal Affair Office of F company.

I just hope that Tristan allows me more time to gather all these information and opinions.